As I’m walking my through my own journey of suffering, one of poor health and many unknowns, I am also watching others walk through their journeys of suffering and pain. One thing that won’t leave my mind is that we were not meant to suffer alone. As painful as it is to suffer, it is just unbearable to do it alone. And as painful as it is to watch someone we love suffer, it is so essential that we come alongside them and enter into their suffering with them. It is such a beautiful thing to enter into someone else’s suffering and be present with them through their pain. To hold someone’s hand as they are dying a slow and painful death, to hug them and not be able to offer anything but your presence and your tears. To comfort with your presence means more than we will ever know. Everything in me wants to run the opposite direction when I see pain and suffering and unbearable hurt. I don’t know what to say, I don’t want them to see me cry. I don’t know what to do. It is so uncomfortable. And yet, I think it is the most beautiful and precious thing to sit by their side and though I may not know what to say or do, I can be present and show my love by entering into their suffering and pain.
I have my own suffering and right now it is almost more than I can bear. But there are people around me that I love dearly that are suffering more than me. Sometimes I think I can’t go on another day, I can’t watch this suffering anymore. And yet, I know that is not for me to decide. All I can do is choose to show up and be there for that person. Sure I can pray for them and that means so much, but I also need to put my faith into action and even though it is unbearably painful for me, I need to enter into other’s suffering and suffer with them. Even when all I can do is sob uncontrollably and my heart breaks beyond what I think I can handle.
There is so much pain and brokenness in this life and it is hard to watch. It is even harder when it affects you and those you love. We are all broken and we are all in need of people to suffer with us when we suffer. We are not meant to do this alone. Whether we are suffering physically, mentally, spiritually, whatever we are facing, we are not meant to do it alone. And no matter what, we are never alone when we have Christ. He is always there, even when people fail us, which they will. We always have a hope in Christ. That is my comfort.
So please, don’t run the other way when those around you are suffering. Run to them, comfort them, sit with them, cry with them, enter into their pain. Because as painful as it is for you, it means more than you know and in the end, you will be glad you were a part of that journey. Not only for what it teaches you but also for what it gives to them. Christ is always with us, so let’s embody Christ to those around us, let’s be his hands and feet in this world. Because I know He would be holding the hand of the dying person you know, He would be sitting with those who are broken and alone and hurting, He would be not be afraid of discomfort if it meant comfort for someone else. He is close to the broken hearted and lonely and suffering. Let us do the same.
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2