Wednesday, 27 September 2017

We need vulnerability

“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us.” -Timothy Keller

There is something so comforting about being heard and understood.  Something so healing about hearing someone say they know exactly how you are feeling and being right there in the midst of all your brokenness with you.  We are all broken, and those who don’t admit it are just better at hiding it.  

As I’ve been dealing with many painful life situations this summer, I would say that what has kept me sane, besides my faith and my relationship with God, has been those around me who have listened to me vent and express my anger, those who have cried with me as I cried, and those who have accepted me unconditionally when I didn’t have anything together.  These people have come alongside me and been my comfort and I believe that is so crucial in life and especially essential for Christians.  We need people to ask us how we are and really listen for the response.  We need to be open when asked how we are, to be free to respond with, “I’m not okay and I’m really struggling right now.”  This is vulnerability, this is honesty, and this is healing.

I know how much this has meant to me, and I want this to be how others feel around me.  To know that they can be completely honest with me.  To express how much life hurts sometimes and to admit that they are a mess.  I want them to know that I’m a mess too, but it’s ok.  We are all broken, but that does not mean we are defeated.  In Christ, we have victory and He will give us the strength to make it through what life throws at us.  However, in the messiness of life, we need each other to lean on, to cry with, to process life together and to be honest about how we feel and what we need.  My hope is that we can be this way for each other.  Because when we open up and are honest with one another that is healing.  For ourselves and for others.  

In the last week, I’ve talked to several dear friends who are struggling with painful life issues like eating disorders, depression and anxiety, poor health, struggles in their marriage, job loss, etc.  Life is painful and we are all broken and struggling.  If things are going well now, its only a matter of time before something falls apart.  This is the world we live in.  But take heart!  God has overcome the world, and He has given us the power to as well.  And I pray He enables us to be Christ to the broken, to be courageous and speak the truth, and to love deeper than we ever thought possible.  We are all broken and we need one another desperately.  So find someone safe to be vulnerable  with, and make sure that you are that safe person for others too.  This is my prayer for you all!    

I was listening to this song the other day and it was just perfect to include in this blog!

The Servant Song
Will you let me be your servant
Let me be as Christ to you
Pray that I might have the grace
To let me be your servant too

We are pilgrims on the journey
We are brothers on the road
We are here to help each other
Walk the mile and bear the load

I will hold the Christ light for you
In the night time of your fear
I will hold my hand out to you
Speak the the peace you long to hear.

I will weep when you are weeping
When you laugh, I'll laugh with you
I will share your joy and sorrow
Till we've seen this journey through.

When we sing to God in heaven
We shall find such harmony
Born to all we've known together

Of Christ's love and agony

Friday, 8 September 2017

Finding Peace Amidst the Chaos

This summer has been one of the most challenging and heart-wrenching times of my life.  There have been so many things that have happened all in a short amount of time and all big enough to deal with on their own, let alone all of it happening together.  Despite all of this, I can say that I have found peace throughout it all.  It has not been painless, quite the opposite, and most of it has not made sense to me, but God and I have had lots of time to talk it over, and despite me not understanding what is happening, I trust Him in it all.  

There have been moments I’ve felt like everything is in chaos.  My health, my family, my work life, my home…and yet in those moments, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace.  Peace that I can’t explain.  Peace that just flowed from a Divine source, assuring me He was still there.  Life is still good, He is still good.  

Sometimes I would start to feel proud, thinking hey I’m still going, I must be pretty strong, and then I would realize, the only way I’m making it through all of this is because there is one who is stronger and wiser and greater than me, sustaining me in His strength.  I really could not do this on my own.  Most days I didn’t know how I would get through the day, how I could handle anymore.  I just wanted to let go of life here on earth and be with Christ, whole and healthy and free from all this suffering and pain.  Honestly, sometimes life just sucks…and you know what?  In a way, that’s ok with me.  It makes me long for something more.  It makes me long for my future in Heaven, and it makes me look ahead to that day when all will be made new on earth and there will be no more suffering or pain or death or hurt.  

That being said, getting through the sucky times here on earth is excruciating, but that is why I am so glad there is hope.  I am so glad that there can be peace amidst the chaos.  I am so thankful to know that in my darkest moments, God is good and He is there and He is giving me just what I need to make it through those moments.  He will give you that too.  Cry out to Him, He will save you.  

Isaiah 35:4
“Say to those with fearful hearts, ’Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, He will come with vengeance; with divine retribution. He will come to save you’.”

This song came to mind as I was writing this- “He Will Come and Save You” by Bob Fitts

Say to those who are fearful hearted
Do not be afraid
The Lord your God will come
And with His mighty arm
When you call on His Name
He will come and save you

He will come and save you
He will come and save you
Say to the weary one
Your God will surely come
He will come and save you
He will come and save you
Lift up your eyes to Him
You will arise again
He will come and save you

Say those who are broken hearted
Do not lose your faith
The Lord your God will come
And with His loving hand
When you call on His Name
He will come and save you

He is our refuge in the day of trouble
He is our shelter in the time of storm
He is our tower in the day of sorrow
Our fortress in the time of war