Tuesday, 17 October 2017

The Reason for My Hope

“And when I cannot stand, I’ll fall on you.
  Jesus, You’re my hope and stay”

       As I was thinking about what to write about for this post, I was continually struck with the topic of hope and where I find mine.  I know in my own journey, I would not be where I am today without my faith and personal relationship with Christ.  I think we all have ways of coping with what we are going through and we all put our hope in something.  I wanted to write this post to share what I put my hope in and what I believe is the only answer to our struggles in this world.  Not everyone may agree with me and that is okay.  We all have our choice in what we choose to hope in.  I cannot force anyone to agree with me and I don’t want to!  I just want to share what has given me hope and what is the one thing that has given my life meaning.  

My relationship with Christ is what gives me hope.  Without Christ and what He has done for me, I would have no reason to keep living, or to keep living well.  I have been in the depths of depression and I know what that is like.  I have been overwhelmed with anxiety and didn’t think I could wake up and face another day.  It was because Christ held on to me and kept me going that I was able to find His strength to carry on.  Everything I am, He has made.  Sometimes I catch myself thinking I’m a pretty good person, and He must be pretty thankful He’s got me on His team.  Then I’m overwhelmed with the realization that I have done nothing to deserve His love and grace.  All the good in me and everything I have ever done is because of Him and through His strength.  I don’t deserve anything in this life, but, God, in His grace and mercy, has given me so much.  It is because of Him that I can wake up each day and experience life.  It is because of Him that I have a home and food to eat and family and friends to share it with.  It is because of Him that I have medication to help me function and cope daily.

It breaks my heart to hear people talk about their struggles in life.  Their anxiety and depression, their physical health deteriorating, their broken relationships, the pain of death and separation from those we love.  There is so much pain and suffering in this world and how do we reconcile it?  How do we get up and live each day without losing all hope?  How do we offer hope and healing to these hurting people?  My only answer is Christ.  I have seen Christ heal and give strength.  I have seen Him restore broken relationships.  I have seen Him work in my own life in so many ways.  He is the reason I can wake up each day and be thankful for what I have in my life and not focus on what I don’t have.  He is the reason I have hope and know that no matter what, He is there, He is in control, and He is working all things out for my good and His glory.  He is the reason I can love and forgive even when someone has wronged me and acted unjustly.  He is the reason I do not fear tomorrow, because I know He will always provide.  I know that no matter what happens, I do not need to worry because He is my strength and my hope.  If the worst happens, He is still there and He will give me the strength to get through it.  All this to say, I still struggle with fear and anxiety, but Christ gives me the strength to keep going and not to let my worries overwhelm me.    

This summer has probably been one of the worst times of my life, and yet, He has given me such strength and joy amidst the pain. He has carried me through and I know He will never let go.  Through job loss, financial insecurity, the pain of watching someone I love suffer and die, my own physical and mental sickness, and family struggles, God has been there and held me close.  He provided in every way needed and I truly believe I am stronger and more loving than I was six months ago.  Could I have done this without Him?  I don’t think so, but even if somehow I managed to make it through all of that on my own, I would have come out bitter, angry and cynical, not more loving, thankful and joyful.    

So what do I put my hope in?  I put my hope in Christ alone, who has died for me, the worst of all sinners.  Not by anything I have done to earn this, but by His grace alone.  So I encourage you, if you do not have a hope like this, consider it.  It is truth.  I’m always happy to talk about my faith and my struggles so please ask away!  I am broken, and I believe that sharing in one another’s brokenness and pointing one another to truth is what can help us heal.  I’m praying for you!   

I’ve listened to this song almost daily lately.  

Lord, I Need You by Matt Maher