Thursday, 1 February 2018

You Are Not Alone

It’s been awhile since I have written a post and it’s been hanging over me for awhile.  I haven’t known what to write about or thought I had much worth sharing.  However, as it’s just been Bell’s annual Let’s Talk day, there has been a lot of talk surrounding mental health and a lot of people opening up about their struggles.  

I’m thankful that I am in a pretty good place right now mental health wise and that is encouraging for me.  However, I realize that for many people out there, right now is a really tough time.  This time of year with the lack of sunlight and the cold weather, the excitement of Christmas is over and the new year is well on it’s way, and we are all just waiting for the summer, waiting for school to be over- for reading week or March break, or just for a lift in our moods.  

I’ve definitely been there and I know that even as I say I am feeling well, it is only too easy for me to slip back into horrible anxiety and depressive moods.  I know some of you out there are really struggling and I just want to say, I’ve been there.  I know this season is rough and I know it feels like it will never end.  I understand just struggling to keep your head above water and it feels like each wave will push you under forever.  It’s hard to be hopeful, to believe that this will ever end or to think that you might experience happiness and freedom from this burden.  

My ultimate prayer for you is this….that you would know that you are loved.  Loved by the God of this universe who knows exactly how you are feeling.  He sees you and He is with you in the midst of this pain.  It may not feel like it, and I’ve often had to keep telling myself this truth over and over when I don’t feel it.  Because even when we don’t FEEL it, we must believe that it is true.  
Know that you are loved by so many others….family, friends.  Sometimes it seems like no one cares or understands you or what you are going through.  This is part of this illness.  It is isolating.  It causes us to withdraw and retreat.  That is the opposite of what we need.  So make yourself spend time with those who love you….those safe and trusted people.  Even if there are only one or two people that fit this part, keep those people close.  Do not push them away.  
Also, keep going…do not give up.  This life is worth living and I promise you, this is just a season.  While this season is painful and it does not seem like it will end, there is light at the end of this tunnel.  I have seen it.  Please don’t give up on life and in living your life.  Keep showing up to work if you can, keep pushing through school and giving it what energy you can.  Make sure you talk to your boss, coworkers, teachers, professors, etc.  Let them know what is going on, they can help and very often they are understanding.  While I firmly believe in doing your best, if your best is just showing up to work and making it through, or just getting by in school with passing grades, that is okay for the time being.  At least you didn’t give up and at least you did the best you could at this point.  

It’s so hard, but try your best to get some exercise, even if it is just a walk.  I know some fresh air and exercise usually help my mood when I’m feeling down.  Eat as healthily as you can and make sure to get what sleep you can.  All of this is so hard to do when you are feeling down but it all makes a big difference in your body and mood.  

And lastly, to those of you who are not struggling, but have friends or family who are, please do your best to understand and to be supportive.  That may mean not giving advice about what you don’t understand and just being there when your friend/family member needs you.  I know for me and for some of my friends, we call it praying one another through.  We are there for each other and we send texts of encouragement and reach out for prayer when we need it.  For some friends, this means I am texting them every day when they are going through these times.  This is a commitment and it takes strength and love to be there for people in this way, but it is so important.  To know that someone out there is praying for you and loves you and is thinking of you DAILY is so encouraging, and some days, it has been exactly what I needed.  
Be there for someone if they can’t get out of bed and just need someone to hang out and watch Netflix with.  Or maybe you need to force them to get out of bed and get out with you.  Take them for dinner or take them to a movie.  Sometimes I need to be forced when I feel I can’t do anything, but I usually feel better after.  Be sure to listen to the person who is struggling and do your best to figure out the line when you need to leave them be and when they might need to be forced to move!  

And once again, to those of you suffering…you are not alone.  So many others are suffering with this too so do not isolate yourself.  Open up and share with someone how you are feeling.  Allow yourself to be cared for.  Make sure it is a safe person, but I’m sure you will know who those are in your life.  There are also many counsellors who would be a wonderful help to you in this time.
REMEMBER, this is a season….I promise you that.  I have been so low I thought I would never feel joy again, but I have come out of it.  This has happened to me many times throughout my life and I know that there is hope.  There is light.  There are those who love you and care for you.  My prayer today is for you.  Please feel free to contact me if you need someone to talk to or someone to pray for you.  You are so loved!

“Many are saying of me, ‘God will not deliver him.’ But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the LORD, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.”   Psalm 3:2-6

This is one of my favourite songs right now