Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Contentment- Why It Is So Crucial To My Mental Health

Contentment- something we all long for and something that so often feels out of our reach.  We wonder when we will feel content and secure and happy.  We are always striving for ONE more thing.  When we get married, we will be content.  When we get a better job, we will be content.  When we have more money, we will be content.  There is always something more that we need to be content.  This is definitely a common struggle with humanity.  I know I have struggled with this, and I know it can affect my mental health quite a bit when I am never happy with what I have and am always wanting more or feeling anxious because I don’t have what I want.  

I know I have talked about this before, but I really believe having an attitude of gratitude is so essential to good mental health, and in making us more content and joyful.  There is always somebody who is going to have more and there is always more we can attain.  However, I really believe that no matter what we are going through or what we have, there are always people who have less and always ways that our lives could be worse.  This isn’t to minimize the hard times we go through.  Believe me, I have gone through some pretty tough times and it was so hard for me to be content or thankful through those times.  I’m not saying I got up and was so happy to be experiencing pain or struggle.  But throughout those times, I found it so helpful to remain thankful and to think of things that I was grateful for.  I really believe this helped my mental health at that time and in the long run.  

If you have been reading this blog, you know that I am a Christian and that my faith is the most important thing to me.  I don’t believe just being thankful can make me joyful and this solves all my problems.  My comfort and joy comes from knowing that God is in control and ultimately has given me the greatest gift of my life in the death and resurrection of His Son who died to save me from my sins.  This is always what I am most thankful for.  But I see the many ways in every day that God provides for me and always provides MORE than what I need.  He blesses me in so many ways and I have been seeing that so much in this season.  Money is very tight for us right now and yet I see God provide daily.  We have been able to cover our bills and even have more than we need.  In this season when we are expecting a new baby, my anxiety can be tempting me to think we can’t afford it and wonder how we will make it through.  And yet, we have been so blessed by so many people who have given us gifts of money, second-hand clothes and furniture, and brand-new items.  I can’t tell you how many times I have just broken down in tears because I am so overwhelmed by the love and generosity of people around, but mostly that all those gifts come from God.  

I have talked a few times about gratitude and contentment and joy in my posts, but I wanted to write about it again because I think it is so important.  I list five things I am thankful for each day and I know I have encouraged so many people to make this a practice.  At first it can be hard, but I promise you that the more you do it, even in the hard times, you can find so much to be thankful for.  I know this has made a huge difference in my mental health and has helped me to find joy and to rise out of those dark moods.  I sometimes feel grumpy and down and feel like everything is going wrong.  The dark cloud of depression and anxiety is over me and I do find that I can break the hold of that with gratitude and the contentment that flows out of that.  I’m not saying that this is a cure for depression or that my sadness or pain instantly goes away, but this is definitely one of the tools that I use to feel better and to encourage myself when I am having a difficult mental health day.  

One more thing I think is worth mentioning again because I know I mentioned it in another post, but I really believe it is that no matter what you have or where you are, you are always able to give and bless others.  You don’t need to have more money or time or resources or energy.  I firmly believe that at every stage, you are able to give in some way to someone else.  You may have to be creative and think of unique ways, but you can do it!  If you don’t have time, bless someone in need with a gift card or pay for the person ahead of you in line at the drive through.  If you don’t have money, give someone your time.  Babysit for a couple of hours so a tired mom can have a break, clean someone’s house if they are sick, bake a dessert or meal for someone who is busy or moving or who is sick.  Send a card or a text of encouragement.  There is always something we can do to help those around us and I promise you, that this will also benefit your mental health and get your mind off of yourself and on to those around you who may be suffering just as much, if not more than you.  

I truly believe we can be content, but I think it takes practice, redirecting our thinking, and a joy and confidence in knowing that God has already given us everything, so what more can we want?  Praying that you can find joy and contentment in whatever stage you are at in life right now- in the good seasons and in the difficult and painful ones.  I have been in both, and have experienced true joy, contentment and peace in both.  

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”  James 1:17