Thursday, 5 December 2019

Conquering fear, It's not always how you think...

A few months back, I wrote a post about how I was about to do a big, scary thing for me.  Well that big, scary thing is finished and I made it through!  I thought it would be good for me to write about it so that I can remember it in the future when I am struggling with other fears and anxieties.  And maybe I can encourage someone else by sharing my story.  

I thought I might feel a big sense of relief when I finished but I don't really.  The anxiety and fear just gradually faded away in time.  I wish I could say that something amazing came out of me accomplishing this fear of mine, but nothing life-altering happened either.

However, I am so thankful I faced my fear and accomplished what I set out to accomplish despite the paralyzing fear and anxiety that I felt emotionally and physically.  I know that this will give me future confidence when something else comes up that I feel I can't face.

I'm so thankful that God gave me the strength and daily grace I needed when I had to face my fears.  I will never stop being in awe of how He does that for me.

I still experienced crippling anxiety and awful physical symptoms from facing this fear, and I wish I could say that they magically went away as I did it, but they didn't.  I wish I could say I prayed about them and they vanished, but I think it shows more of God's amazing strength that He sustained me throughout it instead.

I know there were many things that I learned through this, and I know that it grew me in some pretty cool ways.  I hope most of all that other people can be encouraged as I tell my story and that they, too, can know that they can face their fears and come out of them stronger.

I will always say that courage is not that you won't experience fear and anxiety, but that you keep on going despite that fear.  Conquering fear may not look exactly like you would think, but it's a pretty great accomplishment when you complete something that you never thought you could.  If I can do it, so can you <3