Friday, 17 March 2017

Focusing Outward

Anxiety and depression cause us to focus inward.  How do we shift our focus outward?  

I have heard of this struggle from friends, and have found it to be a struggle for me as well.  Anxiety makes us so fearful and obsessive and basically causes us to be focused only on ourselves.  This is something we need to strongly combat against.  I think it is normal to struggle with this when one struggles with anxiety.  It is ok to feel nervous or anxious.  You cannot really help that when you deal with anxiety.  However, we can choose how we respond to our anxious thoughts.  We can choose to dwell on them and obsess over them, or we can give them over to God.  We can take them captive and then throw them away.  We can choose to focus on things that are pure and lovely and right and true.  (Philippians 4:8)  I always find that it helps to pray to God and ask Him to take away my anxious thoughts.  I try to quote Scripture verses or try to distract myself with other thoughts.  One thing that has really helped me when I feel caught up in my own head, is to then think of others.  Think of how you can reach out to someone else who may be struggling or how you can encourage a friend.  I often go through my texts on my phone and think of who I can text to see how they are doing.  I can try to remember prayer requests from friends and spend some time praying about them.  I may be really struggling with something and my struggles are real, but there are other people who may have it worse or who need something from me at that time.  I can reach out to others and it really helps.  It gets my focus off of me and onto someone else.  Then I am no longer caught up in my own thoughts, and I am encouraging someone who may need to hear from me that day.  

Now there are definitely times when I am really struggling and I cannot seem to get out of my own head.  I am worried and fearful and all I can think about are my own issues.  This definitely can happen and like I have said before, my brain does not work properly and there are times when I may be emotionally sick and I have to focus on taking care of myself.  That is okay.  Do not let yourself feel guilty for that.  When we are sick, we need to take care of ourselves.  The other danger of focusing on others is that we do not pay attention to our own needs at all and then we have no reserve to give from.  We need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  We cannot give to others until we are full ourselves.  This is especially true spiritually.  We need to make sure that we are in the Word of God and spending time praying.  I also find it helpful to be reading all the time.  I had this goal about two years ago to read a chapter of a book every day.  I have been doing it and since then have read many, many books.  This is an easy goal to have and it helps grow me spiritually too.  I try to choose spiritual growth books that keep me learning and growing in my faith.  I cannot tell you how many times I have been challenged, impacted and encouraged by what I have been reading.  And one chapter a day really is not that daunting.  You can do it!  

So this is my challenge to you today if you struggle with anxiety or depression or even if you don’t, but you find yourself too inwardly focused.  Try to focus on someone else today and try to get out of your own head.  Think of one way you can encourage someone else.  Also, start reading a book that can encourage you in your faith and take your mind off of your anxiety.  These are some things that have really helped me in my journey and I hope they can help you too.   

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